Our Vision
Building the Bridge
Real estate is for people. We live this ethos in trusting, constant exchanges with our clients. Together, we develop tailor-made strategies and always communicate openly, promptly and honestly. Our data-based market research creates a high level of transparency. With these principles, we are building a stable bridge between Europe and Japan for our investors.

Dear investor in Germany and Japan,
If you, as a German or European investor, are looking for a conversation you can trust about a real estate investment in Japan, then you are in good hands with us at Kensho. We are the only German-speaking direct investor in the Japanese market and draw on decades of experience as consultants, administrators, managers and fund developers. With us, you get the best possible access to the Japanese real estate market.
You will sense our commitment and passion: Because no market gives investors so much pleasure; no developed market brings such consistently solid returns. Japan’s investment environment is healthy. It is a country where capitalism works, based on the principle that no one is left behind. Everyone should share in our success. Long-term partnerships with employees, suppliers and business partners are valued far more than quick profits. German values such as honesty, responsibility and reliability count twice here. Here, I can keep the promises I make to our investors.
But, please, also come to Kensho if you are a Japanese investor and want to talk confidently about real estate investment in Germany and Europe. We will inform you fairly and neutrally and guide you safely and reliably through Germany and Europe. Through our intensive support for European real estate investors in Japan, our German-Japanese team has established close and long-term contacts with institutional investors and investment managers in Germany and Europe over the course of two decades.
Kensho’s network offers Japanese investors the best possible access to the European market. Our partner bulwiengesa, a leading market researcher from Berlin, supports real estate investors with data analysis. Kensho and bulwiengesa jointly operate Japanese German Real Estate Bridge, an information and network portal they founded together. Another Kensho partner is KGAL, a Europe-wide independent asset manager from Grünwald near Munich, which has been convincing investors from 14 countries with solid investment returns for over 50 years.
For many years I have been personally committed to bringing Japanese real estate investors closer to the markets in Germany and Europe. I want to enhance mutual understanding while demonstrating the same reliability that I always experience in Japan. An example of my initiatives is the Japanese German round table discussion held with the support of the Japanese Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport during the MIPIM and Expo Real conferences in Cannes and Munich. Through intensive listening and regular exchange, I have learned to understand the needs and mentalities of Japanese investors. I am therefore convinced that Kensho can build a direct bridge to Europe for all interested investors from Japan.
I advised, bought and managed real estate, set up my own fund, and finally sold the investment business for third parties. We are operational ourselves with Kensho, but keep a close relationship with the investors. Intensive listening and regular exchange are core elements of our business style. Together with investors, we develop the optimal strategy for their investment profile. Our research team in Japan provides all the data for the most transparent selection of the right property. In Germany, our partner bulwiengesa will support your market entry with market analysis.
Let Kensho be your direct bridge between Japan on the one side and Germany and Europe on the other. When I was running the Japanese unit of a DAX company, a German board member in Munich once said to me: “Japan is our most distant unit, but we always have the feeling that you are sitting next door because you stay in such close and regular contact with our colleagues.” His statement showed me that the distance between Japan and Europe can be shortened with open and timely communication. I want to give our investors the same feeling of security and trust. I look forward to working with you.
Yours, Leonard Meyer zu Brickwedde
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